rln14 May 18, 2017 22:35
fuck you and thank you, episode review, worst fucking show ever, crowley makes everything better, mary, dean has his moments, sam has his moments, cas save me, this show needs to die, a dozen years, bobby is a magical sunflower
rln14 May 11, 2017 22:03
crowley feels, episode review, boring so boring, a dozen years, brains are wasted on the winchesters
rln14 May 04, 2017 21:50
special sam is boring, episode review, dean needs to shut up, a dozen years, supernatural, mary gets a tag
rln14 Apr 27, 2017 21:40
episode review, boring so boring, dean + impala= otp, a dozen years, supernatural, cas be better
rln14 Mar 09, 2017 21:41
episode review, crowley makes everything better, dean + impala= otp, a dozen years, supernatural, cas be better
rln14 Mar 02, 2017 22:02
episode review, boring so boring, supernatural, mary gets a tag, sam is an idiot, dean needs to grow up, dear god why, a dozen years
rln14 Feb 23, 2017 22:25
crowley be better, episode review, boring so boring, a dozen years, supernatural, mary gets a tag
rln14 Feb 09, 2017 21:34
episode review, dean has his moments, a dozen years, supernatural, brains are wasted on the winchesters, smart sammy makes a comeback
rln14 Feb 02, 2017 21:42
episode review, boring so boring, a dozen years, supernatural
rln14 Dec 08, 2016 22:20
episode review, crowley makes everything better, boring so boring, if boring could form a picture it would , how is this still a thing, supernatural, cas save me, a dozen years, look like this show